African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Esther Kimani, 2022 Youth Adapt Winner Awarded 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation (1)
    • Esther Kimani, 2022 Youth Adapt Winner Awarded 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation (2)
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Esther Kimani, 2022 Youth Adapt Winner Awarded 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation

Kimani’s winning invention is an advanced early detection system, designed to detect crop pests and diseases swiftly, which can reduce crop losses by up to 30% and increase yields by as much as 40%

Esther Kimani, a 2022 YouthADAPT winner, received the prestigious 2024 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation from the Royal Academy of Engineering on June 13 in Nairobi, Kenya. YouthADAPT is sponsored by the African Development Bank ( and the Global Center on Adaptation under the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) (  Innovative…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Representatives of the African Development Bank, the World Bank, the EU and governments of Cape Verde, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg at the Cabo Verde Tech Park in Praia with Park staff members
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Cabo Verde: African Development Bank-supported Tech Park Impresses International Delegation with Rapid Growth and Economic Impact

The Park has quickly established itself as a thriving technology hub, surpassing expectations in less than a year of operation

A high-level donor delegation that included the African Development Bank ( has expressed strong admiration for the Cabo Verde Tech Park during a recent visit, highlighting its rapid growth, full occupancy, and role in diversifying the country's economy. The delegation – which also included representatives of the European Union, World…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Senior leaders from the African Development Bank and the Japan International Cooperation Agency met in Tokyo to align on key priorities
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Align Priorities Ahead of 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD9) Summit

JICA expressed interest in cooperation opportunities, particularly in Nigeria and Ethiopia

The African Development Bank Group ( and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have underscored the critical need for blended and innovative finance mechanisms to back Africa’s efforts to tackle climate change. In a meeting held in Tokyo on 20 June 2024, both sides agreed that providing more productive concessional…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • (l-r) Acting AfDB Director of Industrial and Trade Development, Ousmane Fall and Intel Director of Government Affairs Africa and IGA CTO Liaison, Dr. Bienvenu Agbokponto Soglo
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Digital Future for Africa: African Development Bank and Intel to Train Millions in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The training will address socio-economic challenges and boost productivity in key growth sectors such as agriculture, health, and education, thereby disrupting traditional growth cycles

The African Development Bank ( and technology giant Intel have formalized their cooperation to transform the African digital ecosystem. The partnership aims to equip 3 million Africans and 30,000 government officials with AI skills. Sealed at the recent African Development Bank’s Annual Meetings in Nairobi, Kenya, the deal will help…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (1)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (2)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (3)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (4)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (5)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (6)
    • African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings (7)
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings

The Annual Meetings bring together the Bank Group’s governors representing 54 African countries and 27 non-African shareholders

Host country, Kenya contributes $20 million to Bank’s concessional financing window; pledges increased equity contribution; The African Development Bank: a Solutions Bank, at the heart of Africa’s transformation agenda. With $200 billion invested in development projects across the continent since its establishment in 1964, the African Development Bank Group is leading the charge in…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • The African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation receives financial support from the African Development Fund to set up its activities
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Rwanda: The African Development Fund commits $12 million to the rapid operationalization of the African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation (APTF)

This foundation will act as a transparent intermediary that promote and negotiate with pharmaceutical multinationals and other countries in the South on sharing technology

The Board of Directors of the African Development Fund approved, in Abidjan on 27 February 2024, $11.96 million Grant to speed up the establishment of the African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation, headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda. The financial support from the African Development Bank Group’s Regional Public Good window, together with a…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • (L-R) President, African Development Bank Group, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina and EkitiState Governor, Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji, during an official meeting with the Bank’s President in Lagos
    • Lamin Barrow, Director General, African Development Bank Nigeria Country Department (5th from left); Stanley George, Director, International Economic Relations Department, Federal Ministry of Finance ( 6th from left) and Akintunde Oyebode, Ekiti State Commissioner for Finance and Economic Development (7th from left), during EKZ loan negotiation agreement meeting at the Bank’s Office in Abuja, Nigeria
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Catalyzing Digital Innovation: African Development Bank commits $80 million to Ekiti Knowledge Zone Project in Nigeria

State-led pioneering special economic zone project, designed to foster linkages between educators, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and industries, all within one location

In the heart of Nigeria’s Ekiti State, a groundbreaking initiative is taking shape – the Ekiti Knowledge Zone (EKZ), a bold step to transform the region into a hub for digital innovation and knowledge economy. The African Development Bank has committed $80 million in loan financing for this state-led pioneering…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Project managers from the African Development Bank and Tunisian public partner institutions at the RASME solution launch seminar in Tunisia
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Tunisia Launches cutting-edge Remote, Appraisal, Supervision, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RASME) Tool for Project monitoring

RASME’s rollout in Tunisia includes a training, communication, and change management program

The African Development Bank Group ( has launched the Remote, Appraisal, Supervision, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RASME) initiative in Tunis to strengthen the supervision of development projects using cutting-edge processes. RASME, a collaborative effort between the Bank Group, the World Bank's Geo-Enabling for Monitoring and Supervision initiative, and KoBoToolbox (, provides…

Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank and Trade and Development Bank (TDB) join forces to deploy clean technologies to cut carbon emissions in Africa

The new capital, to be sourced from the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), will also support the establishment of a project preparation facility to boost investment in clean technologies

The African Development Bank Group ( has announced a follow-up equity investment of $15 million in the Trade and Development Bank Group’s (TDB Group) pioneering Class C Green+ shares to support clean technology and low carbon projects in its member states. The new capital, to be sourced from the Clean…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • AfDB President Dr Akinwumi Adesina (third left) hosted Africa-based CGIAR Directors General at the Bank's HQ in Abidjan to discuss ways to strengthen food and agricultural productivity in Africa
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank Group and research centres to transform African agriculture and improve food security

With 65% of global uncultivated arable land, the African Development Bank believes that the continent can feed itself and the rest of the world

The African Development Bank Group ( and the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) committed on Thursday to strengthen their collaboration to increase food production and provide better nutrition for Africa's growing population. With 65% of global uncultivated arable land, the African Development Bank believes that the continent can…