African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Group photo of workshop participants
    • Opening session of the preparatory workshop on the African Ports Connectivity Portal Project, held in Abidjan
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Boosting African Port Efficiency: Stakeholders conclude key African Development Bank workshop on Connectivity Portal

The African Ports Connectivity Portal Project is supported by a $2 million grant from the Beijing-based Multilateral Co-operation Center for Development Finance (MCDF)

The African Development Bank ( has successfully concluded a two-day preparatory workshop on implementing the African Ports Connectivity Portal Project (APC-PP) to improve data collection and connectivity among the continent’s ports. Held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 8-9 July 2024, the workshop rallied together key stakeholders and experts from various…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Papo Delphine a cocoa farmer in her plantation in Watte village San Pedro Cote d'Ivoire
    • A training on cocoa fertilization with farmers in Watte village San Pedro Cote dIvoire
    • Papo Delphine a cocoa farmer completes tree pruning prior to fertilization prior to fertilization
    • Bardo Etienne a cocoa farmer in his plantation
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Cultivating Hope: Ivorian Cocoa Farmers' Path to Empowerment

The learners closely follow the instructors as they demonstrate the appropriate fertilizer doses and application techniques for cocoa trees

On a misty morning in rural Cote d’Ivoire, Delphine Papo deviates from her usual routine. Instead of trekking 4 kilometers through the fog to her cocoa plantation, she’s headed to a special class. The Watté United Brothers Cooperative (SCUW) is hosting a demonstration of cocoa tree fertilization, and Delphine is…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • In 2024 Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, will receive support for preparation of a project to develop and protect its coastline
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

The Urban and Municipal Development Fund of the African Development Bank has approved an annual work programme to support 14 new municipalities and local authorities

The Fund will launch a capacity-building and consulting programme to improve municipal finances and solvency in six large pilot cities in Africa - Nairobi, Dakar, Abidjan, Addis Ababa, Kigali and Lagos

The Technical Committee of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group ( met on 18 March 2024 in Abidjan and approved the new work programme for 2024. The committee, responsible for monitoring the work of the AfDB’s Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF), allocated a total of US$4.5 million to support…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Singrobo-Ahouaty hydropower plant. Photo courtesy Neo Themis
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank funded energy projects in Egypt and Cote D’Ivoire win top infrastructure and energy accolades at the IJ Global Awards

The Singrobo hydropower was the first hydropower IPP, and private sector-funded climate action investment to reach financial close in West Africa in December 2022

Two African Development Bank ( projects have won awards at the IJ global awards held in London, United Kingdom. The Singrobo hydropower plant in Ivory Coast, in which the Bank played the Mandated Lead Arranger role won the Power Deal of the Year award, while the Kom Ombo Solar plant,…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Click here for a video of Egyptian Vice Minister of Finance Ahmed Kouchouk's reaction to receiving an award for the Panda Bond issue
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    • AfDB staff joined representatives of the Ivorian government and lending institutions in Cape Town to collect an award for a Bank Group-supported project in Cote D’Ivoire
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank-Supported Projects in Egypt and Côte d'Ivoire Win Top Honors at 2024 Bonds, Loans & ESG Capital Markets Africa Awards

The conference recognises the most innovative, ground-breaking deals from across Africa based on their high-quality execution, effectiveness in tapping new pools of liquidity, and innovative structuring

Two African Development Bank-supported ( projects have been recognized at the 2024 Bonds, Loans & ESG Capital Markets Africa Awards ( conference. A RMB3.5bn ($478.7 million) Sustainability Panda Bond issue by Egypt was awarded Sovereign, Supra & Agency Bond Deal of the Year and a €533m Sustainable Loan to Côte d'Ivoire…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Africa defies odds to become the world’s second fastest growing region, African Development Bank’s Adesina tells ambassadors in Abidjan
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Africa defies odds to become the world’s second fastest growing region, African Development Bank’s Adesina tells ambassadors in Abidjan

The report shows that Africa is projected to remain the fastest growing region in the world, after Asia, exceeding the global average of 3% in 2023

Africa’s economies continue to grow faster than the global average of 3% demonstrating resilience against several challenges including climate change, geopolitical tensions, rising inflation, food insecurity and rising debt. The President of the African Development Bank Group, Dr Akinwumi Adesina said, “It is forecasted that Africa will account for 11 out…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Agro-dealer Ribou Adama looks toward a new batch of fertilizers being delivered to his shop in San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire
    • Improved access to fertilizers can help San Pedro’s cocoa plantation trees produce more beans - a key ingredient for chocolate and other products
    • A porter loads fertilizer bags from a warehouse in San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Sowing Seeds of Success: African Development Bank credit scheme boosts an agro-dealer cocoa farm fertilizer supply tenfold in Côte d'Ivoire

The Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism, a special fund of the Bank, introduced a game-changing trade credit guarantee scheme in partnership with OCP, a leading global fertilizer supplier

Under a vast blue sky, the Atlantic Ocean waves embrace Côte d’Ivoire’s San Pedro city’s shores alongside a warm breeze from the Gulf of Guinea, signaling to Ivorian agro-dealer Ribou Adama that the day is special. Today, Adama will receive a truckload of significant stock for his family business, which…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • “Best of” video from the Inauguration of multiple transport infrastructures in Abidjan (FR)
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    • Côte d'Ivoire’s Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé opening the Abidjan bypass (Y4), which leads to the Alassane Ouattara Stadium in Ebimpé, which will host the opening ceremony and the final of the 2023 AFCON
    • The Abobo Tunnel
    • Abidjan’s fourth bridge incorporates 24 tollbooths
    • Ivorian Minister of Equipment and Road Maintenance Amédé Koffi Kouakou
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Côte d’Ivoire/ Africa Cup of Nations (2023 AFCON): Fourth Abidjan bridge and other African Development Bank-funded transport infrastructure now open to traffic

Nearly 1.4 kilometres in length, the fourth bridge spans Banco Bay – an arm of the Ebrié Lagoon - to link Plateau and Adjamé municipalities and Yopougon via Attécoubé

On Wednesday 10 January, just days before the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations football tournament opens, (2023 AFCON), the Ivorian Prime Minister, Robert Beugré Mambé, opened Abidjan’s fourth bridge, the “Y4” bypass, and the urban highways of Civil Prison and Dabou respectively, all built with funding from the African Development…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • African Development Bank and Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) Partner to support financing of ESG Projects in Côte d’Ivoire with EUR 194 million insurance support
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank and Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) Partner to support financing of ESG Projects in Côte d’Ivoire with EUR 194 million insurance support

African Development Bank’s partnership with ICIEC is pivotal to scaling up the Bank’s partial credit guarantee scheme to attract the needed financing by Standard Chartered

The African Development Bank Group ( and The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), a multilateral credit and political risk insurer and a member of the IsDB Group, have signed a strategic risk sharing engagement aimed at fostering sustainable development in Côte d’Ivoire. In this…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • The African Development Bank’s action will contribute to increasing the State’s public resources to improve people’s living conditions
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Senegal: African Development Bank loans over EUR 74 million to strengthen internal resource mobilization and support industrial activities

The objective is to allow the government to have more resources to finance the structuring projects and programmes of the Senegal Emerging Plan and improve people’s living conditions

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( granted a loan of EUR 74.5 million to Senegal in Abidjan on 1 December 2023 to support the implementation of the first phase of the Resource Mobilization and Industrial Development Support Programme (PAMRDI-I). The programme has a number of…