African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • African Development Bank’s Akinwumi Adesina briefs African leaders on Bank’s progress in mobilizing financial resources for the continent (1)
    • African Development Bank’s Akinwumi Adesina briefs African leaders on Bank’s progress in mobilizing financial resources for the continent (2)
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank’s Akinwumi Adesina briefs African leaders on Bank’s progress in mobilizing financial resources for the continent

The year began with the African Development Bank successfully launching a globally acclaimed landmark $750 million hybrid capital, the first ever by a multilateral financial institution

The president of the African Development Bank Group (, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, has outlined the Bank’s successes in mobilizing financial resources for the continent’s development needs at the African Union. Addressing heads of state and government at the 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the AU in Accra, Ghana, Adesina highlighted the Bank’s…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • As night falls, street-lighting helps Fatima Hounkanrin keep her shop open, in Sèmè-Kpodji.
    • Bertrand Éric Lokossou is delighted to have an electricity meter at home.
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

“Light drives development!”: Electricity supply to Sèmè-Kpodji in Benin means Fatima Hounkanrin can keep her shop open till late at night

A second goal is to improve the quality of electricity supply and reduce energy wastage – estimated at 23 percent in 2015 – in the Electricity Corporation of Benin’s sub-transmission networks

Night has fallen on Sèmè-Kpodji, a lively town on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, in south-east Benin. Many of the city’s residents are still busy working, including Fatima Hounkanrin, 30, who runs a small shop selling tomatoes, pepper, soap, drinks and other household goods. Thanks to new street-lighting in…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Dr Akinwumi Adesina, African Development Bank President
    • 2024 Annual Meetings: Africa’s Voice Needs to be Heard, Says African Development Bank President
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

2024 Annual Meetings: Africa’s Voice Needs to be Heard, Says African Development Bank President

Adesina told more than 150 journalists covering the Bank’s Annual Meetings in Nairobi that the Global South is becoming much more important and that as a result the global financial architecture needs to change

African Development Bank President Dr Akinwumi Adesina ( says the world is changing and Africa needs to be at the table. Adesina told more than 150 journalists covering the Bank’s Annual Meetings in Nairobi that the Global South is becoming much more important and that as a result the global financial…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Desert to power will harness the Sahel's energy potential to provide 250 million people living in the Sahel with clean, abundant and affordable energy
    • The Desert to Power project will produce up to 10 GW of solar energy to supply 250 million people in 11 Sahel countries with photovoltaic power
    • The president of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, who is spearheading the initiative, considers Desert to Power to be the "baobab" of the Bank's projects because of its scale, its scope, the number of people who will benefit and its importance for the economy and people's lives
    • Desert to power will provide on-grid and off-grid electricity to the people of the Sahel
    • A woman working in a dairy factory in Mali. The private sector will benefit greatly from the spin-offs of the Desert to power initiative
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

The African Development Bank's Desert to Power Initiative

The Desert to Power initiative aims to bring energy to one of the least developed and most marginal parts of the continent

Desert-to-Power involves 11 countries across Sahelian belt; 250 million people set to benefit with 10 gigawatts of solar by 2030. The African Development Bank is the driving force behind one of the world's most ambitious energy projects: the Desert to Power initiative aims to bring energy to one of the least…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Singrobo-Ahouaty hydropower plant. Photo courtesy Neo Themis
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank funded energy projects in Egypt and Cote D’Ivoire win top infrastructure and energy accolades at the IJ Global Awards

The Singrobo hydropower was the first hydropower IPP, and private sector-funded climate action investment to reach financial close in West Africa in December 2022

Two African Development Bank ( projects have won awards at the IJ global awards held in London, United Kingdom. The Singrobo hydropower plant in Ivory Coast, in which the Bank played the Mandated Lead Arranger role won the Power Deal of the Year award, while the Kom Ombo Solar plant,…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Authorities and key players in renewable energies sector participate in the 3rd Renewable Energies Week
    • Bintou Camara, Malian Minister of Energy and Water, speaks at the opening of Renewable Energies Week
    • Adalbert Nshimyumuremyi, head of the African Development Bank’s country office in Mali, reiterated the Bank’s support for developing renewable energies in Mali
    • Government authorities and partners visit stands showing renewable energies technologies
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Mali: Partners and key players commit to developing renewables sector at opening of 3rd Renewable Energies Week

Some 50 exhibitors are presenting opportunities available in Mali for renewable energy, so that people can explore the advances in the sector

On Thursday 29 February 2024, the Malian Minister of Young People and Sports, Civic Education and Citizenship, Abdoul Kassim Fomba presided – in the name of the Prime Minister of Mali, Choquel Kokalla Maïga – the opening of the 3rd Renewable Energies Week. He renewed the commitment made by the…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • From L to R : Malinne Blomberg, African Development Bank Deputy Director General for North Africa, Abdelssalam Mohamed Saleh, Mauritania’s Minister of the Economy and Sustainable Development, Nany Ould, Minister of Energy, Oil, and Mines, during the signature of the $289 million financing agreement for two energy project sectors in Mauritania
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Mauritania: Over $289 million in financing to develop solar power generation and transmission and accelerate energy transition

The first project, the PIEMM, involves building a 225 kV electricity interconnection to link Mauritania to Mali as part of the Desert to Power Initiative

Mauritania's Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Abdessalam Mohamed Saleh, and the African Development Bank's ( Deputy Managing Director for North Africa, Malinne Blomberg, signed, on Thursday in Nouakchott, financing agreements for two energy sector projects in Mauritania worth a total of US$289.5 million, covering solar power generation, transnational electricity…

Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank and United Kingdom (UK) announce Kenya as the next beneficiary of unlocked climate finance from the landmark Room to Run Sovereign Program

This project complements the ongoing UK Government efforts to address transmission network capacity limitations, reliability and quality of electricity supply, and high-power system losses, technical and non-technical, in Kenya

The African Development Bank ( and the United Kingdom have announced the selection of the Transmission Network Improvement Project in Kenya as a beneficiary project under the Room to Run Sovereign transaction (R2RS) ( This means that up to $59 million of the $116 million total project cost corresponding to the…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Hydropower plants like Kinguélé Aval in Gabon can, with refurbishment, play a key role in Africa's energy transition by reducing reliance on fossil fuel-derived electricity
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Multinational: African Development Bank’s Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to provide $9.72 million to modernise the African Hydropower Fleet

The project fully aligns with the Bank's New Deal on Energy for Africa, which aims to provide universal access to energy for Africans, prioritising low-carbon technologies that harness the continent's hydro, solar, geothermal, and wind resources

The African Development Bank-managed Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) ( has approved a $9.72 million grant to scale up the Africa Hydropower Modernisation Programme (AHMP), a one-stop shop that overhauls African hydropower systems to enhance their reliability and flexibility. With this new funding, AHMP will expand the modernisation of a…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • This contribution from the African Development Bank is crucial for improving the electricity sector in Cameroon and allowing it to be more productive and competitive
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Cameroon: African Development Bank grants a loan of EUR 74 million for electricity sector reforms to facilitate universal access to power

The Bank’s support will build human resource capacity so that Cameroon has a critical mass of qualified personnel to work throughout the electricity sector value chain

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( approved a loan of EUR 74.25 million to Cameroon in Abidjan on 14 December 2023 to implement the first phase of the Electricity Sector Recovery Support Programme (PARSEC). The programme will support the Cameroonian government to implement the reforms…