African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Group photo following the meeting with the Prime Minister. Left to right: Olivier Beguy, African Development Bank resident country economist; Solomane Koné, the Bank Group’s acting Director General; Anatole Collinet Makosso, Prime Minister; and Célestine Mengue, agricultural projects officer at the African Development Bank
    • A handshake between the Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo, Anatole Collinet Makosso, and the Bank’s acting Director General, Solomane Koné
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Congo and the African Development Bank celebrate the strengthening of their strategic partnership for inclusive and sustainable development

The Bank Group’s mission to Congo explored new funding opportunities for key sectors, including energy, digital infrastructure, and roads

You can be reassured by the fact that we are going to keep our commitments and will continue to count on the Bank’s valuable support

BRAZZAVILLE, Congo (Republic of the), March 4, 2025/APO Group/ --

Talks held by the African Development Bank Group ( in the Republic of Congo from 24 - 28 February 2025 marked a significant step forward in strengthening the strategic partnership between the Bank and the Central African country.

Led by Solomane Koné, Acting Director General for Central Africa, the discussions reinforced cooperation to accelerate national development priorities.

They also coincided with the signing of two grant agreements ( totalling $1.5 million to address Congo’s energy challenges:

  • A $585,000 grant from the Middle Income Country Technical Assistance Fund to fund feasibility studies for hydroelectric infrastructure on the Congo River.
  • A $995,000 grant from the Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation Trust Fund (KOAFEC) to enhance the electrical transmission line between Pointe-Noire and Brazzaville.

“The projects funded by these agreements will help us to open up power pools with neighbouring countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo. The African Development Bank will again play an essential role, since it is a stakeholder in numerous initiatives, including the new Mission 300 (, which our country welcomes,” commented the Congolese Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Integration, Ludovic Ngatsé, who is also the Bank Group’s governor for his country.

“This financial support illustrates the Bank’s willingness to support Congo in modernizing its energy infrastructure, which is essential for diversifying its economy,” added Koné.

In the digital sector, a visit to the Data Center (, currently being built in Congo as part of the Central African Backbone fibre optic project, highlighted the country’s technological advances. This strategic centre will help improve national and regional connectivity, while supporting the emergence of an inclusive digital economy and sovereignty.

Strategic discussions for stronger cooperation

The Bank Group’s mission was also punctuated by high-level meetings, including with the Prime Minister, Anatole Collinet Makosso, and the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Integration, Ludovic Ngatsé, and other members of the Congolese government. The talks were an opportunity to reiterate the Bank’s commitment to supporting the structural reforms and implementation of Congo’s National Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2026.

The Bank Group’s mission encouraged the government to pursue the satisfactory implementation of major reforms, particularly in terms of debt management, to allow the Bank to provide funding, from 2025 onwards, for core projects that have already been planned or are in preparation, particularly in the energy sector.

“You can be reassured by the fact that we are going to keep our commitments and will continue to count on the Bank’s valuable support,” stated the Congolese Prime Minister.

The Bank’s representatives were welcomed by the Ministers of Agriculture, Livestock Farming and Fishing; Technical and Vocational Education; Finance, the Budget and Public Holdings; and Energy and Water, among others. The talks with ministers helped consolidate the strategic dialogue on key questions, review the progress of current projects – some of which are approaching completion, with tangible results – monitor commitments and discuss the prospects of the partnership between the African Development Bank Group and the Republic of Congo.

A meeting with United Nations representatives also provided an opportunity to explore synergies with the Bank to maximize the impact of interventions, particularly in energy. The working meeting with the Central Africa Power Pool highlighted the importance of regional integration in this sector to respond to the country’s energy security and access challenges.

Outlook for positive cooperation

The Bank Group’s mission to Congo also opened prospects for mobilizing new funding to support strategic sectors, especially energy, digital infrastructure and roads.

The Bank Group’s mission to Congo explored new funding opportunities for key sectors, including energy, digital infrastructure, and roads.

The Bank plans to provide technical assistance to help Congo reassess its GDP, incorporating natural capital—a key step in unlocking climate funding.

Congo has also expressed interest in joining the second cohort of Energy Compacts under Mission 300 (, a joint initiative by the African Development Bank and World Bank.

Lastly, discussions covered Congo’s hosting of the Bank’s 2026 Annual Meetings, with the Prime Minister reaffirming the country’s readiness to ensure a successful event.

The Bank is planning to provide technical assistance to support Congo in “reassessing” its gross domestic product to take account of its natural capital, creating a genuine opportunity to mobilize climate funding.

Moreover, Congo has expressed its interest in being part of the second cohort of countries committed to Energy Compacts in the context of Mission 300 (, an unprecedented initiative by the African Development Bank and World Bank. Finally, the mission discussed the organization by Congo of the Bank Group’s 2026 Annual Meetings. The Congolese Prime Minister offered reassurance as to his country’s preparedness and promised a successful outcome.

“The relationship between the African Development Bank and the Republic of the Congo is excellent. The Bank has always been at our side, providing various forms of support, both operationally and in terms of strategic advice. It exerts its influence to back initiatives to support Congo, and it has my sincere thanks for that,” concluded Anatole Collinet Makosso.

Cooperation between the African Development Bank and the Republic of the Congo is based on the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2023-2028 (, which focuses on two priority areas: the development of sustainable infrastructure to strengthen value chains with high growth potential, and improving human capital and economic governance to support social inclusion.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).