African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • As the sole operator of ports, railways and oil pipelines, Transnet holds a unique position in the freight logistics sector in South Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region
    • South Africa boasts the highest level of railway infrastructure in Africa, covering around 30,000 km. It ranks as the world’s 14th largest in length and is notably well-developed compared to other emerging markets
    • South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan (1)
    • South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan (2)
    • South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan (3)
    • South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan (4)
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

South Africa: African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan for Transnet’s business recovery plan

In addition to the corporate loan, the African Development Bank is contemplating two targeted grants, including $750,000 in technical support from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa

The African Development Bank Group ( has approved a ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) corporate loan to Transnet, South Africa’s major freight transport and logistics company, for its recovery and growth plans. The 25-year loan approved by the Bank Group’s Board of Directors on Friday, 12 July 2024, is fully…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Driving Progress: Comorians Celebrates Transformative Road Built with African Development Bank Support (1)
    • Driving Progress: Comorians Celebrates Transformative Road Built with African Development Bank Support (2)
    • Driving Progress: Comorians Celebrates Transformative Road Built with African Development Bank Support (3)
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Driving Progress: Comorians Celebrates Transformative Road Built with African Development Bank Support

The new road is expected to offer huge benefits, including a 27% increase in average daily traffic along the route as well as reducing operating costs by 30% for cars and 33% for trucks

The people of the Union of the Comoros are celebrating the completion of a major road that will open up its agriculturally rich areas and provide reliable access to its popular tourist centres. Thousands of Comorians turned up to witness the official opening of the $30 million road artery financed…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • AfDB Vice President Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade (right) meets with Angolan Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Dr António Francisco de Assis ( centre) and AfDB Country Manager for Angola Pietro Toigo during an official visit. Angola, June 2024
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Angola: African Development Bank Vice President Akin-Olugbade on mission to boost development impact

The parties discussed the cooperation between Angola and the Bank and its priorities, which focus on accelerating economic diversification and job creation

African Development Bank ( Vice-President for Regional delivery, Integration and Business Delivery, Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade has completed a mission to Angola in which she held several strategic, high-level dialogue sessions with authorities of the country. The talks provided the foundation for the implementation of the Bank’s new 2024-2029 Country Strategy Paper.…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Participants in the Uganda Just Transition Framework workshops, held in Kampala, June 19-20, 2024
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

African Development Bank, Climate Investment Funds Spearhead Just Transition Workshops in Uganda

The two-day event brought together key stakeholders to ensure that the shift towards a clean economy doesn't leave vulnerable communities behind

The African Development Bank Group ( and the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) have launched a series of groundbreaking workshops aimed at integrating 'just transition' principles into Uganda's sustainable development strategy. The two-day event brought together key stakeholders to ensure that the shift towards a clean economy doesn't leave vulnerable communities…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Completion of the Trans-Gambia Bridge will facilitate efficient movement of goods and people
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Bridging Progress: African Development Bank powers The Gambia’s leap into the future

The Trans-Gambia Bridge and its ancillary road network link major routes and destinations, promoting the efficient movement of goods and people, supporting trade, raising incomes and improving livelihoods throughout West Africa

The African Development Bank’s ( investments in The Gambia’s energy sector have significantly improved access to affordable and reliable electricity, with at least 70% of Gambians projected to have power by the end of 2024 (50% in rural areas), according to a recent Bank country progress report. Notable projects include…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • The Bank played a key role in linking Cameroon and Nigeria through the Bamenda-Enugu road construction project
    • The building of the Cross River bridge, opened in October 2022
    • Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade, the African Development Bank’s Vice-President for the Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery Complex, meets with Joseph Dion Ngute, Prime Minister of Cameroon
    • Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade, the African Development Bank’s Vice-President for the Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery Complex, met Alamine Ousmane Mey, Cameroon’s Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development
    • Louis-Paul Motaze, Finance Minister
    • Meeting with Cameroon's principal technical and financial partners
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Cameroon: The African Development Bank, a leading infrastructure partner

“The Bank's operations have changed the face of the region” – Cameroonian minister

In an era of transformative development, the African Development Bank Group ( stands as a beacon of progress in Central Africa, particularly in Cameroon, where the institution has earmarked more than 50 percent of its portfolio for funding transport infrastructure. The Bank spearheaded crucial projects such as the Ketta-Djoum Road,…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • African Development Bank sets out two priority areas for the CSP 2024-2029 for Zambia: boosting private sector development through infrastructure investments and developing the country’s agricultural value chain
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

2024-2029 Development priorities for Zambia: Infrastructure and Agricultural Value Chain

The African Development Bank Group will provide assistance to the agricultural sector, concentrating primarily on the development of farm blocks and value chains, to improve the sector’s climate resilience and agricultural productivity

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( has approved the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Zambia for 2024-2029, which sets out two priority intervention areas: Boosting the development of the private sector through investments in infrastructure and developing the country’s agricultural value chain. “The aim of…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • The African Development Bank loan will enable CFM to buy 10 locomotives, 300 wagons, and 120 tank containers
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Mozambique: African Development Bank lends $40 million to the Mozambique Rail and Port Authority to buy rolling stock for the Ressano Garcia railway line

Project implementation will improve logistics and reduce the cost of transporting goods and products using cost-effective, efficient means benefiting from economies of scale

Finance Approval date: 31 January 2024 Project name: Mozambique - Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique EP (CFM) Amount: The African Development Bank is making a $40-million corporate loan to the state-owned enterprise Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique EP (CFM), the Mozambique rail and port authority, to…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • “Best of” video from the Inauguration of multiple transport infrastructures in Abidjan (FR)
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    • Côte d'Ivoire’s Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé opening the Abidjan bypass (Y4), which leads to the Alassane Ouattara Stadium in Ebimpé, which will host the opening ceremony and the final of the 2023 AFCON
    • The Abobo Tunnel
    • Abidjan’s fourth bridge incorporates 24 tollbooths
    • Ivorian Minister of Equipment and Road Maintenance Amédé Koffi Kouakou
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Côte d’Ivoire/ Africa Cup of Nations (2023 AFCON): Fourth Abidjan bridge and other African Development Bank-funded transport infrastructure now open to traffic

Nearly 1.4 kilometres in length, the fourth bridge spans Banco Bay – an arm of the Ebrié Lagoon - to link Plateau and Adjamé municipalities and Yopougon via Attécoubé

On Wednesday 10 January, just days before the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations football tournament opens, (2023 AFCON), the Ivorian Prime Minister, Robert Beugré Mambé, opened Abidjan’s fourth bridge, the “Y4” bypass, and the urban highways of Civil Prison and Dabou respectively, all built with funding from the African Development…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • The African Development Bank will make a substantial contribution to the construction of the Laropi-Moyo-Afoji road in Uganda to improve rural transport and facilitate regional integration. © AfDB 2023
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Uganda: African Development Bank to lend more than $252 million to improve rural transport and facilitate regional integration

The financial support consists of two loans: $179.68 million from the African Development Bank and $73.15 million from the African Development Fund, the Bank Group's concessional loan window

Meeting on 1 December in Abidjan, the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( approved a loan of $252.83 million to Uganda, to fund the construction of the Laropi-Moyo-Afoji and Katuna-Muko-Kamuganguzi road. The financial support consists of two loans: $179.68 million from the African Development Bank and $73.15 million from…