The Gift of Water: How the Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project is Transforming Lives

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A teacher at the Sekete Primary School using one of the taps installed through the AfDB-Funded Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project’s water and sanitation initiative (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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The Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project is connected to the Metolong Dam Water Supply Programme, a collaborative initiative between the government and partners (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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A massive water reservoir constructed as part of the Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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Community nurse Mots'elisi Makhele stands by the tap that previously served around 2,000 people and indicates the houses now connected to modern facilities constructed through the Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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A stream that Kesete Village residents relied on for water before modern facilities were constructed through the AfDB-Funded Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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Deteriorated sanitation facilities at Hamaja Primary School prior to the intervention (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)

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New sanitation facilities at Hamaja Primary School built under the Lesotho Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The project delivered more than 266 sanitation facilities for vulnerable households and installed 284 toilets in schools and healthcare facilities (Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) | 1 day ago)
