African Development Bank Mulls $500 Million Facility to Mobilize Financing for Smallholder Farmers
Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, African Development Bank Group President, delivers the keynote address for the Scaling Finance for Smallholder Farmers in Africa Conference, held 17-18 March 2025, in Nairobi, Kenya
(Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
13 hours ago)
Vice President for Agriculture, Human ad Social Development, Dr. Beth Dunford, pushed for a collaborative approach amongst partners to achieve a common goal during her opening remarks, on 17 March 2015
(Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
13 hours ago)
African Development Bank mulls $500 million facility to mobilize financing for smallholder farmers
(Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
13 hours ago)